We provide a platform for changemakers.

About Health TIE
Health TIE matches the creative energy of changemakers with Alaskan healthcare organizations to catalyze and implement systemic improvements. Health TIE is particularly focused on working with community-based social and healthcare organizations which provide critically needed healthcare support services but have fewer resources for accessing, or being exposed to, break-through technologies or innovations. Health TIE's mission is to identify the barriers in healthcare, catalyze improvements, champion changemakers and pull their ideas foward, advance system improvements through connecting service providers and organizations with innovative entrepreneurs, and facilitate ground-level pilot projects.
Health TIE takes on wicked problems - those that are difficult to solve because they have multiple and contradictory causes and unclear solutions. With an outside, neutral role, Health TIE creates space for healthcare cultures and systems to be evaluated and leverages cross-networks for opportunities for testing prototypes and system improvements. Working with healthcare organizations, Health TIE helps identify barriers and then collaborates on solutions.

Partnerships | Supporting Organizations
Health TIE is a proud community partner of Alaska Startup Week